Thursday, August 20, 2009

His and Her Dinnertime

It appears my health kick may have gotten the better of me. Just after my last post, my health took a nosedive (frustrating!), but I'm getting back on track. Note to self: do not -- I repeat, do NOT -- celebrate newfound health by going out to drinking sake with your awesome boyfriend and his friends until 3am. You will pay for it.

But, as I said, after completely derailing my system with too much sake (really, who can keep track with all those tiny cups) and too many tomatoes (acid overload gave me quite the upset stomach; took a wise woman to clue me into that), I'm getting back to basics, bit by bit.

My stomach has finally settled, and when I got home from work, my body was screaming for some fresh produce. I pulled out my blender and made a watermelon-banana-kiwi smoothie complete with protein/enzyme and wheatgrass powders. Tasted...earthy, but good. I could just feel my body rejoicing over all the nutrients. And I'm going to indulge in some microwave popcorn later to accompany my In Treatment marathon.

Now, my fella, for those who don't know him, is one amazing dude. I call him the Big Friendly Giant, in a nod to Roald Dahl. He plays soccer, he does yoga, he supports all my wacky health adventures and cuts up veggies to go with the hummus. The man also loves. his. junkfood. So I couldn't help but laugh when I had wheatgrass-infused smoothie for dinner, and he had...nachos with fake cheese, BBQ Pringles, a few glasses of wine, and a Snickers dark bar. Don't get me wrong, I am all for indulgences, but it was quite the reminder that he's the yang to my yin. Or yin to my yang. I always get that mixed up.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Olivia, your post made me laugh. My husband and I are the same way.
:) Thanks for posting and helping me put his junk food habit into perspective (him being the yin to my yang)!