Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Food Journal

I hate them. I've tried keeping them numerous times over the years, and every time, I make it one, maybe two days before I say forget it. Part of my problem, I think, is that I was trying to be too detailed in what I logged. Neurotic measurements, precise calorie counts, time records to the minute. For some people, that may be the right path to take; for me, it was too much.

It's time for me to take another stab at it though. This time, I'm just going to jot down the time and rough amount of what I ate. Portions aren't my big problem. An overwhelming love for sugar is. To that end, the point of this food journal will just be to bring a mindfulness and accountability back to what I'm eating. It's already helped me make better choices this morning -- I had 3/4c. organic plain yogurt with a tablespoon or so of sunflower seeds and a handful of raisins mixed in, instead of having puffed corn cereal with rice milk. Or, more to the point, instead of also having puffed corn cereal with rice milk.

Part of why I decided to start this today is that it's a baseball day -- hurrah! I'm going to the last businessperson's special of the season for the Phillies (which means I'm going to be tempted by gluten free beer and crab fries), and then the Sox are on ESPN (which means I'll be grabbing a stool at my favorite bar to watch the game). I don't expect to be a saint, but maybe a food journal will help me scale back the indulgences a little bit. Stay tuned.

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