How on earth is it August already? It's shaping up to be a pretty great month -- a trip to the zoo, a mini family reunion in CT, plenty of long bike rides, and (*fingers crossed*) some kayaking. And that's just the first two weeks! To top it off, today's my friend Linda's birthday. Whew, lots of great stuff.
How to celebrate all this? Why with fresh juice, of course! I got my juicer a few weeks ago, and am crazy about it. I'd been thinking about it for a while, and then when I signed up for the FareWell diet, I needed one to follow the program. My mom treated me to the Jack La Lanne Power Juicer, and we've been spending some serious quality time together. (My friend Jen, also in the program, got the Cadillac of juicers: the Breville. I have a slight case of juicer envy. I'm not afraid to admit it.)
This morning I was really craving my favorite juice -- carrot, apple, fennel (in the mug on the right). I made myself a nice tall glass of that for breakfast, and then cleaned out my fridge to make my day-sipping juice. Usually this is carrot-beet-celery-cucumber, but I'm out of beets (boo!), and had a great tip from Jen to add ginger to the fresh juices, so I'm mixing it up and drinking carrot-celery-cucumber-fennel-ginger-apple-kale juice today. I know it sounds, well, gross. But it tastes pretty good, even though the kale is a little overpowering. I had a huge bunch of it and didn't want it to go bad, so into the juicer it went.
I just keep thinking about the crazy amount of vitamins I'm getting today, just a straight shot into my system. A heavy duty juice like this is a great way to start the weekend, too. Weekends shake up your routine and are usually a little heavier on the indulgences, so why not give yourself an edge and power up with a heavy dose of chlorophyll, beta carotene, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, lutein, zeaxanthin, and calcium? And that's just from the kale!
The other thing about juicing is that it you lose out on a tremendous percentage of the fiber. See that teeming container up there? Fiber, and even more nutrients. There's no way I could eat all the veggies I juiced this morning, but it still makes me a little sad to see all that roughage go right in the trash. (It also really makes me wish I had a compost pile and a garden in the city.) The standard American diet -- SAD (telling, no?) -- is seriously lacking in fiber, and we really need the stuff to keep things moving along. It gives your insides a nice little scrubbing, and that's got to make you feel better.
If you juice or have favorite juicing recipes, I'd love to hear what they are. I have my favorites, but it's always good to mix it up. You get new and different vitamins and minerals, and it keeps your taste buds from getting bored.
Hi Olivia
Thanks for the comment on my blog. I like yours too! I will spend some time looking around.
All the best
Juice looks delish. I know what to ask the fam for my 'apt warming' party. :)
then we can have juice parties! ;) hahaha!
Love you!
Love your blog! Informative, funny and enjoyable. Is it okay if I mention it in my newsletter next week?
Thanks! Debra
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