I had recently starting practicing yoga, and my favorite class was Tuesday nights, but so often I just plum didn't have the motivation to go. Every Tuesday I would have a conversation with myself (it happens more often than I'd like to admit) that went something like this:
- Go. You'll feel better.
- I know I will. But I don't wanna.
- Oh come on. Get off your duff, walk the four blocks to the studio, and work through it. You love Jeremy's class!
- I know! Let me think about it while I eat this ice cream... [insert ice cream eating] Oh...now I can't go. I can't do yoga with a belly full of ice cream.
Acupuncture though, acupuncture was different. What was required of me? An open mind. A list of ailments to present to Eva that I was sure would stump her as it had stumped all my doctors to this point (#1 thing I was not expecting to hear? Her saying Oh this all makes sense together!). A willingness to let a stranger put upwards of two dozen needles all over my body. And lying on a comfy table in relaxing quiet while the needles did their magic.
Hmm...lie on a table, or stretch and sweat. Table please! But then something strange happened. After acupuncture, I felt the most clear-headed, grounded, and energetic I had felt in months. Energy? Me? What was I to do? Oh. Right. Jeremy's yoga class. And with how great I felt post-acupuncture, I had no desire (that's no lie) to dig into ice cream.
Having Tuesday recast in this new light managed to shift my outlook for my entire week. Tuesdays were no longer this wasteland between weekends; they became a night dedicated to my health and wellness. I knew I was busy on Tuesdays, so I didn't make other plans. Often it would be my only night all week to decompress, relax, curl up with a book, check in with myself.
I still go as often as I can, once a week whenever possible, but now I know that I have other tools in my wellness arsenal, too. If I can't go to acupuncture in a given week, I try to compensate by eating particularly well and getting a little more activity, and still taking time for myself. One thing I've really enjoyed about seeing Eva regularly is how well she knows me and my body. She can pick up on subtle changes and knows how to address them. That, and she's not put off by my request to for her to take pictures of me once I've been stuck full of needles. In fact, she wanted to get it just right, so she took two.
Now that's service. What I love about this shot is that you can see my reaction to the needles. Depending on the location, I get very strong blush points/reactions. None too surprising that with all my tummy issues, the points relating to inflammation, which is what you see here, react as if to say "yeah! give me some love!"
Because I am a very curious sort of bear, I usually ask Eva a smattering of acupuncture related questions every time I go. I'm still just beginning to wrap my mind around it all, but she recommended a great book in one of my first visits. The Web That Has No Weaver, by Ted Kaptchuk, O.M.D., is widely recognized as an authority on Eastern medicine. In fact, Dr. Andrew Weil (who works with the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, where I just enrolled -- yay!) says it is the book that first piqued his curiosity in Eastern medicine, and continues to be one of the best sources out there. I've only dipped in and out of it, but every time I open it, I learn something fascinating.

Right now I'm my typical post-acupuncture excited mind-whirl, and want to write about all the cool things I learned today while reading Digestive Wellness (from the Good News! post), and my experience meditating last night, and some of my favorite tricks for keeping my kitchen stocked so it's conducive to making better choices. But if I'm going to stick to my bedtime (and I've been slacking lately...) and my 21 day meditation resolution, I'd better sign off for now.
If you've ever tried acupuncture, or are just curious, I'd love to hear about it.
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